Peter MarraAcupunctureA great inspiration to me over the years has been my Uncle Peter. He returned from one of his hitchhiking adventures around the Sub Continent bringing silk scarves and trinkets from India to out door when i was a small girl. And I found one of his books about Hinduism in my Grandads book shelf when I was in my early teens. Thus started my sojurn into "Spiritual" studies. Since then I have had the pleasure to visit India myself and learn AYurvedic Mediicine, Yoga and Pranayam from my friend the Lovely Dr Prafullata. Similarly to Dr Prafu and her husband Arun whom provide community aid through the Beyond Borders Social Enterprise, my Uncle Peter Marra also is involved in projects overseas and at home that provide real grass roots benefit to people in need. Peter built permaculture gardens for an orphanage in Peru, did a trial project of unpatented Quinoa seeds from South america that are drough hardy in the drought stricken Timor Leste (formerly East Timor). I ensure that there is time for an Acupuncture session with my Peter whenever he passes through Australia or I am in New Zealand. New Plymouth Acupuncturist |
AuthorShairin - Naturopath and Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Ba. Health Science (Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Medical Systems - Naturopathy) is passionate about accurate natural medicine advice and teaching people how to enhance their natural health care in daily life. Categories
January 2025