Acid - Alkaline FoodsThe many biochemical processes that the human body carries out to sustain life, require delicate and specific pH parameters. A situation of acidity in the body (Acidosis) or alkalinity (alkalosis), disrupts normal functioning and leads to ill health, disease and when extreme will potentially cause death.
The body self regulates its pH balance in numerous ways and it is usually not of any concern. Although if the body is subjected to an extreme load of either acid or alkaline producing foods, attention must be paid to rectify the situation. It is important to remember that stress is a major cause of ill health within the body and trusting our truly amazing ability to survive, maintain health and prosper as an innate reality will allow peace of mind whilst we calmly embrace our body and assist it in health consciousness. To balance your pH substitute acidic ash forming foods for alkaline or vice versa. Decrease intake of one and increase intake of the other for a short time and then and go back to eating a variety of foods from all food groups in moderation. It is not the acidity or alkalinity of the foods in themselves that determines their effects in the body. It is the result of their digestion, metabolism and the resulting ash residue that determines a food’s pH in this sense. The most common and detrimental imbalance in our modern diets is excess acidity. The simplest way to correct this is to consume mostly vegetables and alkaline carbohydrates such as millet. By increasing vegetable intake and it becoming a major part of the diet for two weeks the body can relieve itself of its acidic overload. A normal diet can then be resumed that includes meats, legumes, grains, fruits, nuts, seeds and lots of vegetables. For a more detailed reference the table below lists common foods and which side of the acid/alkaline spectrum that they occupy. |
AuthorShairin - Naturopath and Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Ba. Health Science (Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Medical Systems - Naturopathy) is passionate about accurate natural medicine advice and teaching people how to enhance their natural health care in daily life. Categories
January 2025