Radish is a great addition to your seasonal menu. It is high in some key nutrients and is clinically shown to improve some health conditions related specifically to it's chemical constituents and their biological actions on the cells and tissues of the human body.
Flower essences are the vibrational imprint of a flower’s energetic properties in water, preserved with a touch of brandy, apple cider vinegar or refrigeration. To achieve this imprint, a flower is picked and placed directly into pure water and bathed in sunlight for several hours to infuse the water with its essence. It is then strained and bottled as the ‘Mother Essence’. Smaller treatment bottles are created by adding drops of the Mother Essence to more pure water and ‘fixed’ (preserved) as above. Flower essences are diluted substances because we are dealing here with the ‘subtle body’ [we shall explore terminology and energetic fields in future articles], which requires just a subtle dose of vibrational nudging. The first Flower Essence system, the Bach Remedies, was developed by Dr Edward Bach in England. Although based on Homeopathic principles the Bach remedies are made from Flowers and do not use toxic substances in their creation. You can read about his life’s work here at The Bach Centre. There are also the Australian Bush Flower Essences developed by Ian White and a comprehensive system of New Zealand native flora healers in the First Light Essences. “Disease of the body itself is nothing but the result of the disharmony between soul and mind. Remove the disharmony, and we regain harmony between soul and mind, and the body is once more perfect in all its parts.” - Dr Edward Bach “They [the Bach Remedies] cure not by attacking disease but by flooding our bodies with beautiful vibrations of our higher nature in the presence of which disease melts as snow in the sunshine” - Dr Edward Bach The well-known Bach Rescue Remedy can be used in any situation. It is the only combination essence that Dr Bach chose to create as he believed that everyone needs their own remedy mix to suit their situation. Rescue Remedy contains the following Flowers that alleviate the associated feelings which are experienced in body and mind. Star of Bethlehem shock Rock Rose panic Clematis ungrounded Cherry plum fear of losing control Impatiens impatience In a personal flower essence consult these or others of the 38 remedies can be used to specifically address your currently individual needs. An example of the healing properties of Flower Essences from the Bach set is: Aspen which is a remedy for; fear of the unknown; vague anxiety and apprehension; hidden fears and nightmares. The positive outcomes listed for treatment with Aspen Remedy are that it: Quiets and subdues the astral body in order for the spiritual ego to gain the trust, confidence and strength it needs to meet the unknown. Helps one to draw inner strength from the spiritual world. Allows the conscious mind to receive and process more information resulting in a balanced use of soul forces. Helps one develop personal boundaries. For someone that experiences anxiety attacks, this essence may be of great benefit. I have trained in both Bach Remedies and Australian Bush Flower Essences and have had the pleasure of creating individual treatments for my clients from the 38 Bach remedies that I keep in the clinic and recommend Australian Bush Flower Essences often. As a naturopath Flower Essences are a common therapeutic tool and are prepared within your Naturopathic Health Care consultation. The conversation allows discussion of your experiences and unique needs that allow selection of one to four remedies that specifically suit your current emotional and physical needs. Holistically treating the causes and contributing factors as well as alleviating symptoms and trully listening to you are the benefits of Naturopathy. The flower essence is taken upon the moment of waking and just before sleeping to access the subconscious state and brain wave pattern between activity and rest. The remedy mix is taken in this way for a period of two weeks to gently clear old energy patterns and activate, balance and repair vibrational/energetic balance within the whole body. The drops may be taken in water or directly under the tongue and for some situations such as the use of the Bach Rescue Remedy are taken whenever required. It is said that the flowers of our homeland have the deepest effect and I had the opportunity to visit New Zealand with my Mum in 2014. As that is where she grew up I organized a Flower Essence consultation with a practitioner over there. It was a lovely session and Mum reported great results from her personalised First Light Blend. I have many happy clients that have found relief of symptoms and an increased sense of wellbeing after completing their treatment. Continuing with Flower Essence therapy can address deeper issues and your unique constitutional Flower Essence helper can be discovered that will assist you in times of need and in maintaining daily balance and harmony. Whether or not Flower Essences work just due to the ‘Placebo Effect’ is really irrelevant when such a safe and potentially profound healing tool can improve our emotional and physical wellbeing. The simplicity and harmlessness of Flower Essences gives them a place in the realm of Natural Health Care. Remembering that they are an Energetic Medicine like Usui Reiki and thus a different kind of therapeutic. I have the full range of Bach remedies in my clinic and would love to hear your story with compassion and to prepare your gentle and empowering personalized Flower essence. Namaste - Shairin. There is a deeper exploration of sublte body, energetic medicine, 'placebo effect' and the holistic understanding in modern medicine here please share your thoughts on Flower Essences or any of these interesting avenues by leaving a comment.
Zinc is an essential mineral that is needed by many of the immune system cells to function. Zinc is used throughout the body as a structural, regulation and catabolic enzyme cofactor. Many Vitamins and Minerals are Cofactors which means that they need to be present for the biochemical reaction to occur. Zinc is also important for skin and mental health. Of significant interest currently is Zinc's clinically studied benefits in reducing the occurence and severity of pneumonia. Benefit is shown for people whom eat enough food to reach their daily Zinc requirement with deficient intake linked to poorer health outcomes. I have outlined how you check to see if you are getting enough zinc, after the pneumonia related refereces below. Many studies have shown that Zinc deficiency is common in the elderly and that patients with adequate Zinc levels had significantly lower rates of infections including pneumonia and faster recovery from pneumonia. Zinc: a new risk factor for pneumonia in the elderly?https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2854541/ This observational study draws on other studies and recommends supplementing 30mg of Zinc per day to deficient patients. Science Daily also reported on this study here: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/08/100810122045.htm This World Health Organisation Article is about Zinc reducing lower respiratory infections in children yet the data on Zinc mechanisms and outcomes is still relevant https://www.who.int/elena/titles/bbc/zinc_pneumonia_children/en/ Another study linking Zinc deficiency with worse pneumonia outcomes: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0422763815301217 I am in no way saying that Zinc will prevent a Virus. The clinical data does show reduced incidence and severity of pneumonia when a person’s zinc status is adequate. Don’t overdo Zinc though. Whilst adverse effects from Zinc deficiency are much more likely to affect people than acute zinc intoxication it is important to note that exceeding the upper limit of Zinc is harmful. Clinical copper deficiency has been confirmed in patients taking 121.25 and 150 mg of zinc per day to treat medical conditions. These patients had anaemia, neutropenia, leukopenia (iron deficiency and reduced white blood cells). This is because during absorption in the intestine, within enterocytes (intestinal wall cells) Zinc competes with copper for intestinal uptake (absorption). High zinc causes more copper to be excreted without being absorbed. 225 to 400mg of Zinc is an emetic dose ie will make you vomit and excrete. The essential toxin: impact of zinc on human health Supplementation of 80mg of Zinc oxide in the first study mentioned was related to an increase in genitourinary disorders among the nursing home patients. Whilst we do consume zinc in our food the elderly often eat less and their digestion processes are less robust. Zinc supplementation seems to reduce instances and severity of pneumonia in the elderly that have a Zinc deficiency. Whilst a bigger clinical trial is needed the evidence so far indicates that there is an effect and if the combined supplement and food intake of Zinc is within Recomended Daily Indake levels than it will do no harm and potentially help. Zinc rich Foods: Oysters, Beef, Whole Grain Cereals, Wheat germ, Baked beans, Turkey, Lamb, Sesame Seeds, Crab, Cowpeas, pumpkin seeds, adzuki beans, wild rice, peanuts, soybeans, chicken, veal, pine nuts, white beans, rice bran, sunflower seeds, black beans, peas, lentils, cashews. List of Zinc content in a range of specific foods here: https://ods.od.nih.gov/pubs/usdandb/Zinc-Content.pdf Beef mince pan fried contains 6mg of Zinc per 85 grams Pumpkin seeds contain 10.07mg of Zinc per 1Cup/129g The total daily recommended amount of minerals and vitamins includes the amount that you eat as well as any and all supplements that you take. Total combined Daily food and supplement intake of Zinc:EAR and RDI determined as the average percentage of Zinc that is absorbed by the intestine in humans PLUS the amount of zinc needed to replace the amount of Zinc excreted or lost by the body daily via urine, sweat, bowels and for men semen. https://www.nrv.gov.au/nutrients/zinc How do I know if I am Zinc deficient? Have a look at the list of Zinc rich foods. Do you eat these daily? If you eat a lot of these enough to take you up to around the RDI for Zinc per day then you are probably fine. Unless you have an absorption problem due to intestinal disease or inflammation such as Coeliac, IBS, Crohns, Bowel cancer or skin conditions which affect absorption and increase Zinc requirements.
If you are not eating enough of these foods especially vegetarian diets which exclude meat then it is in your best interest to supplement. But use a good quality one and stick to a safe limit. Taking a higher dose when you’re sick or sometimes to quickly address a severe deficiency should only be done short term ie when you have illness symptoms or for one to two weeks. Don’t go over the upper limit and don’t continue to take an excessive amount for a long time as you will be damaging your body. Excess zinc reduces copper absorption and iron causing deficiency in those minerals. Simply adding a few Zinc rich foods to your diet will ensure that your body has all the zinc that it requires for a robust Immune System and your skin and mood will thank you too. PINEAPPLE is a great addition to your daily menu. It is high in some key nutrients and is clinically shown to improve some health conditions related specifically to it's chemical constituents and their biological actions on the cells and tissues of the human body.
AuthorShairin - Naturopath and Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Ba. Health Science (Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Medical Systems - Naturopathy) is passionate about accurate natural medicine advice and teaching people how to enhance their natural health care in daily life. Categories
January 2025